I will say, I'm not a big fan of resolutions. I set them, and then by March or April I haven't done them or even remember what they were.
But, this is one resolution I would like to make. To blog more. I have honestly missed doing this. I have been cooking and making pillows etc, and I have missed posting about it and telling folks how it is going sooo..... here is my attempt to make a come back.
Christmas was a little different this year. I had to work on Christmas day. Personally I feel like there should be a law that you don't have to work on Christmas day, but then everyone would panic and a lot of chaotic things would happen. So, I wanted to do something special for Mr. Dill on Christmas Eve since Christmas Day would be different.
I have attempted to make banana pudding in the past. When Mr. Dill tried it, he said he liked it, and when I probed him for more feedback he said it was different than his moms. I took this as motivation. She makes great banana pudding and I wanted to have it made for him for Christmas Eve.
So, I e-mail the real Mrs. Dill and she proceeds to give me the recipe. I am getting so excited at this point. The only problem is that she makes her banana pudding in a double boiler and I did not have one at the time! (foreshadowing of what is to come) So, I make my own make shift double boiler. Well the way the recipe was laid out, it sounded like I needed to stir the ingredients over the stove AND use my makeshift double boiler. Well, really I just needed to do one.....oh the lessons you learn. That banana pudding was good, but very well done :)
Mr. Dill enjoyed it, and really appreciated the thought of it.
We get to family Christmas the day after Christmas, and what do I get? A Real Double Boiler! Hot Dog! I am so excited to use it! Here is a little pic:

Isn't she pretty? I am quite excited to use it and see what all I can make with it.
Well, until next time!!!