I love cookbooks. They have so many great things in them, and I love seeing everything that gets put together.
For Christmas, I got this one:

It is contains really easy step-by-step instructions and great easy meals!
I am excited about using it more and more.
I just made the grocery list for the week. Two meals so far. One of them being Balsamic Glazed Salmon and the other being Baked Chicken and Cheese Risotto! Both from the above cookbook. We shall see how they turn out.
So, the hubs got an XBOX the other evening. As I am looking up cute quilt patterns, he is sitting in his chair, talking to his friends through the headset (which looks like he is talking to himself), and deciding what the best strategy would be for his next "killshot" :)
I actually like to watch him a little bit. It is intriguing to me what all is involved in these video games now. I remember Nintendo Mario Brothers. The controller had an A and B button and some arrows. If you want to move, you move the arrow. If you want to jump, you press a button. Simple enough. This XBOX controller has buttons on the front, a joystick and four other buttons on it. Oh, and did I mention, that in order to watch anything on Netflix, it has to come through the XBOX? I literally said to myself today, ok let me see if I can work this thing because if Jeff isnt home one day, I need to know how to turn on the TV and XBOX. My how times have changed. :)
But I would also like to brag on my husband. He is just great and I am so thankful for him. Even while he is playing and strategizing, he takes time out to make sure i am doing ok, cover me up on the couch, get me something to drink, and give me a little kiss :) He has his priorities in order and always puts God and family first. I love him.
Until Next time!