Mr. Dill has been such an amazing husband lately, I thought I would cook for him tonight.
( Since my surgery I haven't been cooking a whole lot. BUT I finally feel like cooking again!)

Menu for Tonight:
Low Carb Crockpot Poached Salmon (found at
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies (found at
I want you all to notice my most favorite word in cooking.... see the word above that says "crockpot"? This is KEY. I love crockpots. They are great. You just dump in a bunch of ingredients, turn the dial, and then GO! They are wonderful. (That is how I have time to write this blog right now! Let's just be honest with ourselves, the crockpot is the real cook of the Dill household.)
Here were the ingredients to the salmon meal.... (excuse the melon to the right. he was just hanging out)
The recipe was quite easy to follow. As I was getting ready to place the last ingredient into the magic crockpot, Mr. Dill says, "Did you take the skin off of the salmon?" Yeaaaa, about that.
WHOOPS! So luckily, we took the salmon out of the crockpot and Mr. Dill helped me to filet the salmon.. I have never dealt with salmon before, so this was a definite learning experience! Reminder.... take skin OFF before placing in crockpot.
After it was all in and ready to be cooked, it looked quite lovely....
Sooo... I am just waiting for my lovely creation to be ready...
Next thing on the list! Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies!!! YUMMM.... I decided that I wanted to actually put some effort into these cookies. Usually I am the one who gets the break off pack at the grocery store and eats about two or three uncooked cookies before I slap them into the oven. Tonight, I shall try making these cookies from scratch. (And that means there will be even MORE uncooked cookie dough to be had!)
I will let you know how those turn out..
I will leave you with this image. This is where Mr. Dill and I will be dining this evening. I also wanted to show off the pretty rose that Mr. Dill gave me for our 3 month marriage anniversary!