Man. I know I need to do a better job at blogging more. I have been quite busy with getting back on my school and work routine.
Let's just give a re-cap of everything that has been going on.
First, and I know you have been anxious to see these, here are some pics from the cookies!

(I am a bit of a messy cook!)

mmmm this is what i call heaven.... man that cookie dough was soo good!

the recipe made about two dozen.

finished and ready to be eaten! and they were :)
So those were the cookies.
Let's see, my classes have started, which you all know by now. I think it will be a great semester. Tough but great.
Moving along to the Chicken Parmesan. This was great. It was quite easy and very tasty. The only thing I would change is that instead of breading just one side of the chicken, I would bread all of it :) Martha thought that it would be a healthier option to only bread one side of the chicken, but the Dill's have decided that it would be a better thing if the whole thing was in breaded goodness. I mean we are from the south and we can't handle these healthier options that Martha speaks of. Even though we are trying to be healthier, you just can't bread one side. It is against our southern upbringing.
Needless to say, the meal was very good and will be made again. Here are some pics:

Finished product!

Yummy Sauce!
Now it is time for a little rant. After the chicken parm, we decided to get some dessert downtown. (I never made up my mind about what to fix for dessert) So we are downtown on a Saturday night. We are just walking and enjoying our time together, taking in all the goodness that Greenville has to offer. As we get closer to walking towards Falls Park we all of a sudden notice a lot of teenagers just standing in the middle of the sidewalks. Not walking with the other people, just standing. Not moving at all. Just standing. And yelling. Standing and yelling.
So we, like everyone else, have to manuever around these teenagers. And as we get closer to our destination of ice cream (which don't stand in my way when I want ice cream) there are more and more of them. Just standing.
Now just a note to these teenagers:
1) Where are your parents? It is 10 o clock on a Saturday night. Where are they?
2) Why must you continue to yell? Girls, don't "holla" at a cute boy that walks down the street saying "Hey boy Hey, in the white jacket, this girl like you." That guy doesn't even know you, and you don't know him.
3) MOVE out of the way when people are walking on the sidewalks.
4) Don't eye me up and down either. I don't like it.
Ok. Sorry, back to the story. It is 10 o clock and the cops have now arrived. (Greenville has a curfew for these youngsters to get out of the park at 10. They can't be in the park, but they can just stand other places) As Mr. Dill and I finally reach our ice cream destination, we find a seat next to the window (mainly so I can watch these kids get busted by the cops, I am quite nosey.) The cops tell the kids repeatedly to not sit on the ledge next to fountain and to move along. Well they do this the first time, but the minute that little cop turns around, they sit right back down.
Another note to the teenagers:
1) I know you are trying to keep your attitude in check because you think it is cool, but it isn't.
2) Stop yelling.
3) don't act like you are all that. (haha remember that show on nickelodeon?)
Ok. back. So anyway to wrap up the evening of dodging teenagers on the streets, we had some very yummy ice cream.
My next project is to at some point make some homemade ice cream!
Moving on. I was in Barnes and Noble the other night, and saw the most amazing thing......

Yep, you are reading this correctly..... An Encyclopedia of Crafts, by the Queen herself. I will own this one day.....
Well, it may be a little bit before I cook a great meal again. Mr. Dill is going camping this weekend and it looks like we are either having leftovers or just simple spagehetti the other nights. Who knows though, I may cook all weekend just for myself. (I doubt this highly)
I will be back with more soonnnn!!!