So anyway, As I was putting things away in our new kitchen, there it was! A broiler pan just waiting to be used. I was quite excited.
I got out my real simple magazine, turned to the dish I had been wanting to make, and then realized I didn't even know how to use the broiler pan. I had enough common sense in me, to know that you just lay the meat down on the pan and broil it, but the recipe was tricky. So, I called the mother just to be reassured.
Anyway, it is quite easy to use, and very quick. I was cooking salmon and it was ready within ten minutes! Hot dog!
Other than trying to get our apartment together, I have been reading more. I am reading a book right now called, Little Bee. So far so good! I really do love to read. I love to get caught up in other people's stories and find out what makes them do the things they do. I love being entranced by someone's life, even if it is made up.
I tried out another one of those McCormick pre measured out spice recipe things again. It wasn't too bad. It wasn't great, but it really wasn't that bad. I am realizing though that I could copy down the recipe while I am in the store and use the spices we have at home to make things, but I guess that isn't what you are supposed to do, now is it? :)
I promise I will try and put more pictures up soon. Especially when I make a key lime pie. That is my favorite!
Until then......