Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Progress, progress!

So, I have made some progress on the making of the apron!

I am quite excited. This is the first project that I have had, that doesn't have a teacher with me, or the teacher's step-by-step instructions. This is a project that one has to actually go to the store and buy, and then pray to the good Lord, that it comes out right!

I just wanted to share with you the progress that I am making :

1) I had to make a pocket, and then put it on the front of the apron.....

If you look to the left of the apron and squint, you will see the pocket! That was the first step.

2) The second step was to attach the "flounce." I like the call this part the "pretty swirly fluffy thing." :) This part I was a little nervous about, but was happy with how it turned out. Little did I know, the fabric "flounced" on its own......

Well there we are! Besides doing a little hemming here and there to the ends, that is all I have done so far! I hope to get it done by the end of the week.

Like I said, I am quite pleased. I think if I were to make another one, I would make the pocket and the flounce in a different fabric so you can see them better.

I don't know what will be next on the list, but I know that I sure am craving some Key Lime Pie! Maybe that will be next!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

new project and a surprise!

Well, I have started the apron! That is all there is to say about it for right now.

I am going to try and capture the steps that I am taking when I am making this!

So, here we are:

I layed out my fabric.....

I've laid out my pattern.....

and I've cut out my pattern!!!

That is all I have done so far. I will let you know how it goes.

I also have a surprise!!

I got the pillows done!!!

Well, that is really all for now. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

reading, broiling, and a new recipe....

So, before when a recipe called for something to be broiled, I couldn't ever do it. Our old stove, didn't have a broiler pan, probably because someone took it. I know you are saying to yourselves, why didn't she just go buy one? Well, I just didn't.

So anyway, As I was putting things away in our new kitchen, there it was! A broiler pan just waiting to be used. I was quite excited.

I got out my real simple magazine, turned to the dish I had been wanting to make, and then realized I didn't even know how to use the broiler pan. I had enough common sense in me, to know that you just lay the meat down on the pan and broil it, but the recipe was tricky. So, I called the mother just to be reassured.

Anyway, it is quite easy to use, and very quick. I was cooking salmon and it was ready within ten minutes! Hot dog!

Other than trying to get our apartment together, I have been reading more. I am reading a book right now called, Little Bee. So far so good! I really do love to read. I love to get caught up in other people's stories and find out what makes them do the things they do. I love being entranced by someone's life, even if it is made up.

I tried out another one of those McCormick pre measured out spice recipe things again. It wasn't too bad. It wasn't great, but it really wasn't that bad. I am realizing though that I could copy down the recipe while I am in the store and use the spices we have at home to make things, but I guess that isn't what you are supposed to do, now is it? :)

I promise I will try and put more pictures up soon. Especially when I make a key lime pie. That is my favorite!

Until then......