So, Mr.Dill and I celebrated our one year anniversary this past weekend! We went to Charleston, SC and had a great time!
While we were there, we visited the USS Yorktown. It was quite interesting. One thing that I found to be especially interesting was how much food those chefs had to cook.
In fact, I found a recipe that I thought would be worth sharing, especially if you are going to be cooking for 10,000 people.

There we go. A recipe that was on the ship for 10,000 chocolate chip cookies. You can thank me later. I know you will need this.
Moving on. I have been making some pillows for two special ladies! My mom and Mr.Dill's mom requested for Mother's Day and a birthday that I make them a pillow! Here is what we have so far:

All I need to do now is stick in a pillow form!
So, as I was looking through my Real Simple magazine, I came across something awesome. It was an ad for this:

I immediately went to the grocery store to get it. There is a recipe on the back, and all of the spices are on the front and measured out! Amazing!
Well, that is all for now!