So, as we know, I got a sewing machine for Christmas! I am really excited about it, but at the moment frustrated.
First, I will show you what I got....

Check out the cute sewing basket on top! So, this is what I have been working with. I have opened it, set it up, and have read the directions.
I have threaded my bobbin, and threaded the machine. One would now think that she is ready to go. Well folks, no.
I got some scrap pieces of fabric, slid them under the "presser foot" where the needle is, pressed my little foot on the foot peddle to make it go, and then thinking I am off to a good start, this happens....

Look closely, you will see a huge brown blob of thread. The directions call this a "stitch". I do not see a stitch in this, do you? I call it a thread jam...
I have been trying and trying to prevent this from happening, but I do not know what I am doing. Thank goodness sewing lessons was apart of this present!
Anyway, I am having fun with it, and hope to get going with lessons quite soon.
I have also been doing some cooking lately, but am so far behind on posting pictures, I will just let you know that everything as been great, and there haven't been many fails!
I am just going to start fresh on the pictures of food!
Well, that is all for now.