Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall at the Dill's

So, it is now fall, and we have been doing just a little decorating at our home....

I found the "vase fillers" at Target! They are little cinnamon sticks.

That is about the extent of our decoration at the moment...

Not much has been going on. We took our last out of town trip, at least for now, last weekend.
Every October a group of college friends goes up to Beech Mountain to just get away for the weekend and hang out. I am quite thankful and fond of this group. We always have a great time and enjoy being in each other's company.

2 exciting things that happened while up there....

1) I made snickerdoodles...

I got the recipe from this website..., and that person actually got it from your favorite queen of crafts and mine, Martha! They turned out really well, and were quite tasty!

2) The next thing that happened while we were up there is that is snowed!

It snowed a good inch and a half! Of course being from the south and not seeing snow all that often we all flipped out! Heck yea for an inch and a half. Let's close down every single store that we can, shovel the driveways, and stock up on bread and milk!

Happy Fall!